Build a Community of Support

Group Coaching for holistic sleep and conscious parenting

After years of seeing parents feel alone in this process, I decided to create this weekly group coaching program so you can learn from me and from others, not feel alone and be a part of a community of like minds.

What is …

Conscious Parenting?

is about just simply being aware, present, mindful, and conscious of what you are feeling and doing with your child instead of just reacting. It is a practice that strengthens over time and is not easy to embody at first. Many of us parent on default because it’s hard to undo all that we know. If you were raised, learning emotions were ok to express, that responsiveness was not spoiling you and that you were a baby/child communicating in the way you knew how and that was ok, then you likely have some of those traits but if that sentence sounded completely foreign, then likely you have some things to work on. (Btw, most people land here! This is unfortunately the norm) Through new science, new insight and studies we have about .

How does your

program work?

You will be enrolled in my self-paced Holistic Sleep Coaching program. Each week you will work on a new module we will tackle a goal and check in every week via Zoom to get insight and advice. Everyone will be working at their own pace but will have the support and accountability of an entire community.

How do I

Sign up?

Click below!


1:1 Coaching